Welcome to Harmony Recyclers Hub

About Eco-School Initiative

Harmony Recyelers Hub

Eco-School project for sensitizing students about wastes will start by September to encourage students to see wastes as resource and recover plastic wastes from various schools across the state. This involves raising awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability within the school environment. Here are some intended steps to achieve our objectives:

  1. Education and Awareness: Organize talks and presentations to educate students, teachers and staff about environmental issues, highlighting the significance of eco-school projects in creating a sustainable future.
  2. Initiate Green Practices: initiate and promote eco-friendly practices within the schools in Kwara State, such as waste reduction, waste re-use, recycling programs, and water-saving initiatives. Encourage everyone to participate and contribute.
  3. Student Involvement: Catch them young policy in wastes resource recovery seek to engage students by formation of sustainability clubs that will involve in eco-friendly activities like tree planting drives, community clean-ups, recyclables recovery and creating art work from recycled materials. Encourage them to take ownership of eco-projects within the school and take lesson learned to their various homes.
  4. Curriculum Integration: Advocate for the integration of environmental topics into the curriculum across various subjects. This can help embed sustainability values in students' learning experiences.
  5. Partnerships and Collaboration: Forge partnerships with local environmental organizations, businesses, or government bodies to support eco-school initiatives. Collaborate on projects, seek guidance, or organize joint events.
  6. Communication: Use various communication channels such as newsletters, social media, notice boards, radio programs and assemblies to regularly update the school proprietors, teachers and students about ongoing Eco-projects, achievements, and upcoming events.
  7. Setting Goals and Recognition: Set achievable goals for the school's sustainability efforts and celebrate milestones. Recognize and reward individuals, organisations and schools who actively contributed to success of eco-friendly initiatives.

It is a fact that fostering a culture of sustainability takes time, commitment, and collective effort from everyone in the community.

Harmony Recyclers Hub, is a social-entrepreneurship initiative dedicated to provision of environmental services, wastes management, wastes resource recovery, wastes recycling, knowledge sharing and advocacy.

1, Apalara Beside Al-yuffat Petroleum, Adeta, Ilorin

+234 812 3401 985

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